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Donations & Sponsorship Programs

Please Note: Bicycle Garage Indy / BGI Fitness is not taking any donation or sponsorship requests at this time. 

Thank you for thinking of Bicycle Garage Indy and/or BGI Fitness (BGI) for support of your organization or event. BGI receives hundreds of requests for donations or sponsorship annually. 

Because of this large number of requests, BGI has set parameters and criteria to evaluate such requests. Please understand that if we cannot fulfill your request, it is not a reflection on the quality or value of your project, but instead is a reflection of the sheer number of requests received as compared to the available resources. 

There are two avenues of support available:

  • Donations / Discount Program - requests for donations or discounts of products for fundraising activities such as auctions, raffles 
  • Bicycle Event / Bicycle Team Sponsorship -  Bicycle Garage Indy sponsors several bicycle events in Central Indiana. We continually evaluate the events we are involved with and are open to looking at additional bicycle events. However, it is not likely that we would add additional bicycle events in the near future without dropping support of events we currently sponsor due to limited resources. Bicycle Garage Indy sponsors three bicycle teams and is not looking to sponsors any additional teams. 

Please read the guidelines and criteria outlined for the each program (see links below). If you feel your project or event falls within the guidelines outlined, please fill out the online form for the appropriate category: Donation / Discount Program or Bicycle Event / Bicycle Team SponsorshipWe will evaluate every request that falls within the guidelines outlined and give you a response. 

Please note that Bicycle Garage Indy does not provide support to individuals or to fundraising efforts of individuals or groups of individuals.


Donation / Discount Program - are received throughout the year and have quarterly deadlines: October 31 for events in January - March; January 31 for events in April - June; April 30 for events in July - September; July 31 for events October - December.  
Bicycle Event sponsorship - at least 6 months in advance of the Bicycle Event,  preferably by January 15. 
Bicycle Team sponsorship  - at least 90 days prior to beginning of sponsorship period (Note: No team sponsorships will be added in 2018)

Unfortunately, BGI is very limited in the ability to support additional promotional / philanthropic opportunities, even if the request fulfills the criteria BGI has established.

Click Here for Donation/Discount Program Guidelines and Criteria

Click Here for Bicycle Event/Bicycle Team Sponsorship Guidelines and Criteria

Click Here for List of Additional Resources Including bicycle helmets and bicycle safety/education materials