BGI's Trade-In Program
Trading-in a bike is an easy 3-step process:
1) Bring your bike-shop-quality bike to the Service Department at any Bicycle Garage Indy store.
2) Our staff will assess the bike's condition and find the trade-in value using BicycleBlueBook.com
3) Use your old bike's value to buy something on that visit, or go home with a BGI gift card for future use.
Details About Trading-In
Q) What bikes will be accepted?
A) Accepted bikes must be in good working order, or in condition that requires only minor refurbishment. Bikes must be completely free of structural damage. In general, most bikes originally purchased from a bike shop and in working condition are eligible for trade-in. In an effort to fight bike theft, we will require the following: 1) Your valid driver's license 2) The bike's serial number must not be defaced or destroyed.
Q) How will the bike's value be determined?
A) We use Bicycle Blue Book's (BBB) trade-in value. BBB has an extensive database including nearly every bike-shop quality bike from year 2000 forward. BBB's determines value using a combination of factors including original MSRP, age, and condition. BBB's range of conditions has 5 possibilities: poor, fair, good, very-good, excellent. Descriptions of BBB's conditions can be found at https://www.bicyclebluebook.com/terms-of-use/
Q) Will I be negotiating the trade-in price?
A) Nope. The Bicycle Blue Book does the work for us and provides a no-nonsense way to determine a trade-in price.
Q) How do BGI's/ BBB's trade-in prices compare to private-party sale prices?
A) Bicycle Blue Book's trade-in assessment probably won’t be as much as you could get on the open market (Craigslist, etc.) If you’re looking to get the highest dollar for your used bike, your best bet is to find a direct buyer. Our trade-in program offers a fair value with exceptional ease and convenience.
Q) How much time does it take to trade-in a bike at BGI?
A) The trade-in process is similar to dropping off a bike for repair services. Our mechanic will normally need about 10 minutes to assess the bike. From there you can do some shopping or go directly to the cashier and depart with a gift card in hand.
Other Trade-in Program Details
• All initial valuations will be provided by the third-party BicycleBlueBook.com database.
• BBB values are based on the original specifications of the bikes. Any non-stock customizations may change the value. For example, removing fenders that originally came with the bike will lower the trade-in value, but to a small degree. Likewise, component additions / upgrades have small positive impacts on trade-in prices.
• You can use your trade-in allowance on your same visit, or have a cashier issue a BGI gift card for later use, or a mix of the two (spend some, retain some). BGI gift cards never expire and have no fees. Treat them like cash because lost gift cards cannot be replaced.
• There is no charge to have your bike's value assessed.
• Some bikes may not qualify for resale and therefore will not be eligible for trade-in. Examples of brands that are not eligible: Huffy, Kent, Magna, Motiv, Murray, Next, Roadmaster, Pacific, and Schwinn (sadly). Bikes from those brands and other bikes sold through mass-merchants have very low resale value and are therefore ineligible.
• BGI reserves the right to reject any bicycle from the trade-in program, for any reason.