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Monon/86th Street 

The intersection crossing of the Monon Trail at 86th Street is one of the most dangerous pedestrian and bicyclist crossings in the city of Indianapolis, as noted by numerous crashes and injuries. This intersection is not just any crossroad; it's a bustling hub where more than one million trail users annually and an average of 35,000 vehicles daily converge.  

Why is this important?
The 86th Street and Monon Trail intersection continues to be a crash-prone crossing for pedestrians and bicyclists. This specific intersection has led to many near-misses, crashes, injuries and even deaths.

In the fall of 2021, Bicycle Garage Indy's beloved employee Frank Radaker was killed at this intersection while riding his bike to work. Since then we have been working with Nora Alliance and other community organizations and individuals to effect change at this intersection. We have focused on changes that can be made immediately to improve safety until such time as the ultimate solution of a bridge or tunnel can be built. 

The loss we experienced is not an isolated case but a symptom of a larger problem that needs immediate attention. We cannot afford any more losses due to inadequate safety measures at this intersection.  The current safety measures are insufficient to protect those who use this trail. Strong Towns Crash Analysis Studio January 2023 pointed out factors creating the dangers at this intersection and made recommendations of short-term and long-term fixes for the safety of all who travel through the intersection.

We have been working on getting a permit for a Tactical Urbanism and Art in the Right of Way project to hopefully pave the way for more permanent changes until a bridge or tunnel can be built. We also hope the changes made in our project can be made permanent as an interim measure and also duplicated throughout the city of Indianapolis where greenways intersect with roadways.

We are asking for action to remedy the impact of future crashes, injuries and death. Action items could include, but not limited to:

  • Raised crossing walkway
  • Corner bumpouts
  • Installation of pedestrian refuge in the center of 86th St.
  • Upgrading signals to be black exterior and include reflective borders
  • Install additional signage leading up to and at the intersection
  • Paint on the roadway with "TRAIL XING" prior to the intersection
  • Gateway signage  
  • Lower speed limit to 20 mph from Westfield Blvd to Nora Plaza

We want to work with the city of Indianapolis to ensure the Monon Trail continues to be a safe and accessible for all people and lives up to its designation as a Rails-to-Trail Hall of Fame Trail. 

Monon/86th Project installed June 14-17 - HUGE Thank You to all involved!!

Monon/86th Project is a temporary tactical urbanism project to improve safety at the intersection of Monon/86th. Partners are Nora Alliance, Bicycle Garage Indy, YMCA, Washington Township schools, community organizations and volunteers. Funding for this project was provided by Indiana State Department of Health ($10k) and CIBA Foundation ($5k). Permits were approved by Indianapolis Business & Neighborhood Services and Indianapolis Department of Public Works.

  • On Friday, June 14, we installed the curb bumpouts, temporary bollards and temporary crosswalk.  PHOTOS
  • On Saturday, June 15, we installed temporary rumble strips and started marking and painting the sidewalk. PHOTOS 
  • On Sunday, June 16, we installed additional temporary crosswalks and finished painting the sidewalk on the north side of the road and continued taping out the sidewalk art on the south side of 86th St.  PHOTOS
  • On Monday, June 17, we finished taping, priming and painting the south sidewalk. PHOTOS
  • On Tuesday July 2, a group of volunteers replaced 11 of the 13 bollards and on July 18 & July 23 colorful stenciled artwork was added to the sidewalk train tracks by YMCA teen group PHOTOS
  • Between July 18 & 23, Indianapolis DPW refreshed the Monon Crosswalk across 86th, moved the stop line further from the intersection, and added a permanent crosswalk on the north side of 86th St.  
Still to come:
  • Crosswalk on south side of 86th St, and widening of crosswalk across 86th St to be installed by Indianapolis DPW - TBD
  • “TRAIL XING” in travel lanes on 86th St to be installed by Indianapolis DPW - TBD
We had more than 50 volunteers in total help install the project over the weekend of June 14-17, 2024. We are thankful for all of the support for this project!
Update: On July 2, a group of volunteers reinstalled bollards that had been hit. 11 of the 13 bollards were replaced. Within one week, 3 bollards were hit due to a two car crash at the intersection. We are in the process of locating those bollards and determining if they can be reinstalled or need to be replaced. 

Update: We have replaced numerous bollards/flex posts over the course of the project and purchased orange cones as replacements. 

Update: On 9/17/24, we met with BNS and DPW representatives and were given permission to keep the project up, minus the rumble strips, and they were going to look at more interim materials to put in place where the flexposts and marked tape areas are. On 9/21/24, 7 volunteers removed the rumble strips. 

Volunteer Opportunities - Sign up to volunteer HERE
Media Coverage: 
Dangerous North Side Intersection Gets Tactical Urbanism Treatment (WFYI)

Bollards Meant to Improve Safety at Dangerous Intersection Already Hit for Drivers Weeks after being installed (Fox59)

Multiple bollards damaged in safety project at 86th and the Monon (WTHR)

IMPD Beefing Up Patrols near 86th Street and Monon Trail (Fox 59)

Additional info / tasks for the project

  • Petition on 
  • Monon/86th Flyer for Businesses - handed out to business near the intersection as well as collecting business contact information - February (DONE)
  • Artwork for sidewalks - June - to be done by YMCA Teen group
  • Traffic Study pre-installation of project through 4/30- Citizen-led Traffic Study #1  - Ended
  • Survey pre-installation of project - TAKE THE SURVEY and Share widely - DONE
  • Flyer with QR Codes for Safety Survey and Project Info - Ended

Once we have the go-ahead, additional work will be done:

  • Purchasing materials - June - DONE
  • Installing materials - June - DONE

To Be Done after Installation 

After the project is completed:

  • Evaluation of project
  • Post-Project Reports
  • Post-Project Report Release Event

Project Updates

Check this section and links for latest info on the project

Project Update 2/2/24

  • Meeting with DPW / BNS 
  • Intersection Business Contacts 
  • Updated graphics
  • Next steps

Project Update 2/9/24 meeting with DPW

Project Update 3/8/24 meeting with DPW

Citizen-led Traffic Study Week - April 8-14  (rescheduled)

We’re redoing the traffic study from July 2022 in preparation for Tactical Urbanism project to see if anything has changed since then and for comparison after the project is installed.

  • Wednesday April 10, 4-7 pm 
  • Friday April 12, 7-10 am 
  • Saturday April 13, 8-11 am
  • or pick an hour any other time during the week

Project Update 3/27/24

ACTION ITEM: Take the Monon/86th St Intersection Safety Survey (Pre-installation) - DONE

Please take the survey and share widely

Please fill out this survey to help us determine how the current conditions of Monon/86th Street impact your feeling of safety as a trail user or driver when traversing this intersection. Responses will help us determine the effectiveness of the proposed tactical urbanism project. Thank you in advance for your time. Survey Deadline: April 30, 2024

June 2024

Approval for Project!!

ACTION ITEM: SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER for Installation: June 14-24, 2024 

ACTION ITEM: Letter of Support for City of Indianapolis ATIIP Application for Monon/86th and Nickel Plate/82nd St. Bridges by 6/13/24