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Indiana Bicycle Bills in 2019 Legislative Session

There are five bicycle-related bills in the 2019 Indiana Legislative Session. Here are some resources and action steps you can take on these bills. 

We've compiled talking points and resources from League of American Bicyclists, People for Bikes and Bicycle Indiana. 

Legislative Update 5/3/19 HB 1236 is Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb!!

HB 1236 passed with concurrance vote in the IN House and headed to the Governor's desk for signage in late April. Governor Holcomb signed HB 1236 into law on May 2, 2019. It will go into effect on July 1, 2019. Please thank your legislators for their votes on this and take them on a bike ride this summer to celebrate!

Legislative Update 3/14/19

HB 1236 was passed in the Senate Homeland Security & Transportation Committee on Tuesday, March 12, unanimously with a technical amendment. It moved on to the full Senate for 2nd reading. It passed the 2nd reading with no additional amendments on 3/14/19. Next up - 3rd and final reading in the Senate scheduled for Monday, March 18 @ 1:30 pm. (info from Bicycle Indiana here) After it passes in the Senate, it is expected that there will be a concurrence vote in the House for the technical amendment and then (hopefully) off to the Governor's desk for signing! 

If this all happens, it is important to thank those who have supported this bill along the way both in the House and in the Senate. One of the best ways to do this is to invite your legislators for a bike ride this spring and summer!

Legislative Update (2/6/19)

Update on IN bicycle bills: HB 1439 (safe passing) merged with HB 1236 (Electric bicycles). The merged bill passed House committee, and House 2nd and 3rd readings unanimously. Now onto the Senate!  Thanks to People for Bikes and Bicycle Indiana for their heavy lifting getting the bills this far! We're halfway there to getting a statewide safe passing law and electric bicycle bill!  


12/30/19 HB 1236 heard in House Roads & Transportation Committee. HB 1439 added as amendment. Passed Unanimously in Committee 

1/4/19 HB 1236 2nd reading in House - passed unanimously

1/5/19 HB 1236 3rd reading in House - passed unanimously and sent to IN Senate - Senator Crider is Senate sponsor of the bill in the Senate. 

Next steps - 1st reading in Senate, referred to Committee, if passed in Committee, then onto full Senate for votes for 2nd and 3rd readings (if 2nd reading is successful). If successful in Senate, goes to Governor's desk for his signature.

Helmet Bill

SB 463 Bicycle, skateboard, skate, and scooter helmet requirement.

No talking points have been developed for this bill at this time. 

How you can help:

  1. Contact your Indiana state legislator and ask them to support the bills and even sign on as a co-sponsor. Contact can be by phone call, email or in-person on Bicycle Indiana Statehouse Day (Jan. 31, 2019, 7:30 - 10:30 am, 2nd floor Atrium, Indiana State Capitol Building)

Find your legislator 

  1. If your legislator is on the committee a bill has been referred to, ask them to request that the bill be scheduled for a hearing

Indiana Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Transportation (SB 361)

Indiana Senate Committee on Correction & Criminal Law (SB 89)

Indiana House Roads and Transportation Committee (HB 1439 & HB 1236)

  1. Look for updates on when votes will be held and let your legislator know. You can follow the bills online  - search for the bill by its number, name, or “bicycle” keyword and then click on “Bill Actions” to see its progress. 

  2. Thank your legislator for their time and especially if they took positive actions toward getting the bills passed. There may be other opportunities that they can assist with legislation in the future.

  3. Invite them for a bike ride when the weather is warmer. It’s always beneficial to get people out on bikes and communicate with your state legislators outside of session. If you are an e-bike owner, invite them on an e-bike ride!